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Frequent changes and amendments are typical of Tax Legislation of Republic of Armenia, as a result of which this sphere becomes less predictable for business.


As we know, the correct planning and management of the tax strategy is a necessary precondition for the growth and development of each organization.


Crowe & Asatryans LLC develops strategies that meet modern business requirements. We can help you with the following questions:

  • Advice on tax legislation (including expected changes)
  • Tax legislation courses and seminars
  • Tax risk assessment
  • Tax planning
  • Tax calculation, preparation of tax reports, adjustment and balance check
  • Clarifications on individual types of taxes
  • Calculation and assessment of tax consequences for individual transactions.


In the ever-changing reality, our specialists will quickly guide you on the following issues:

  • Corporate tax (Profit tax)
  • Personal Tax (Income Tax)
  • Pension benefits
  • Non-resident taxes
  • VAT (Sales Tax)
  • Excise tax
  • Other taxes.
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Dom Moskvy Business-Center
Argishti str. 7,,
1st floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
+374 60 53 23 23
+374 99 54 33 88

Albert Asatryan

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Meet us.
  • Address:
    Dom Moskvy
    Business Center, 7, Argishti str.,
    2nd floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
    +374 60 53 23 23
    +374 99 54 33 88