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Home Services Internal Audit

Internal Audit


Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting function aimed at improving the performance of the organization. It assists the organization in achieving its goals through systematic, regulated assessment and risk management, control and processes improvement. Internal Audit plays a key part in helping your organization achieve its strategic business objectives within the risk settings you desire.


Internal audit is carried out on the basis of strategic and annual internal audit programs through providing assurance or consulting services to the management of the organization.

Crowe & Asatryans LLC brings the full range of specialty skills and industry experience to bear to give our clients the confidence and insights they need as they execute.


ASATRYANS offers Internal Audit services for Private entities and Public Sector. We have high qualified Public Sector Internal Auditors (PSIA) who can help you to mitigate risks. Nowadays many public sector organizations use our services for mitigating risks and receiving high quality services. This can help the organizations to confront challenges. Our PSIA team can help you and your organization to satisfy country’s legislations.


The company’s experts will give you clear ideas for solving existing problems and predicting new ones.

Internal audit is carried out in accordance with the standards of internal audit, code of conduct and principles of internal auditors:

  • independence,
  • objectivity,
  • ability,
  • impartiality,
  • privacy.
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Dom Moskvy Business-Center
Argishti str. 7,,
1st floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
+374 60 53 23 23
+374 99 54 33 88

Albert Asatryan

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Meet us.
  • Address:
    Dom Moskvy
    Business Center, 7, Argishti str.,
    2nd floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
    +374 60 53 23 23
    +374 99 54 33 88