Audit and Assurance

An audit is an independent examination or inspection of financial information of any entity, whether profit oriented or not, irrespective of its size or legal form when such an examination is conducted with a view to express an independent opinion thereon. In these unprecedented times, organisational trust and transparency are more important than ever. Areas such as effective reporting, required disclosures and regulatory requirements remain dynamic and challenging.
With industry expertise, changing regulations, evolving technologies, and increasing competition, it is sometimes difficult to decide how to run a business effectively. We can help you with that by negotiating transparently with stakeholders, presenting facts and reports about your business.
Crowe & Asatryans LLC provides audit services:
- Audit of financial statements
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- According to EU, ADB, WB grant and loan programs standards
- According to the US GAAP
- Expenses Verification / Assurance
- Other related services.