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Home News Draft Law on Amendments and additions to the Criminal Code of the RA

Draft Law on Amendments and additions to the Criminal Code of the RA

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draft law

The draft law on amendments and additions to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, presented by the RA Government, includes the following key provisions:

  • It proposes to invalidate the incentive norms related to exemption from criminal liability for tax and customs offenses.
  • Additionally, it introduces a new article on smuggling in the RA Criminal Code, establishing strict penalties, including imprisonment from 3 to 6 years, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • In the case of smuggling, an amount exceeding 5 million AMD will be considered a large-scale offense.
  • The law aims to enhance tax and customs discipline and prevent crimes in these areas.

The draft is currently under discussion and, if adopted, will come into force on the tenth day following its official publication.

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