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Nowadays, everything is changing and developing very fast. Changes in consumer preferences are greatly influenced by technological development and globalization. This challenges organizations to reduce costs and provide better customer service.


Online shopping is developing year by year all over the world, including in Armenia, which is facilitated by the rapid development of technologies, global digitalization, as well as a number of difficult situations related to the free movement of people.


Many people are able to trade internationally on online trading platforms. Located in one place, anyone can sell products made in the US, for example, to a consumer on the continent of Europe or Asia, without meeting the seller and the final buyer.


It is very important for organizations to find their market and segment. In the current complicated geopolitical situation, it is necessary to get the right advice on the quotas of exported and imported good for the countries, to study the embargoes, the lists of sanctions, etc. This can create additional problems on the way from the seller to the consumer.


In addition to the above, the consumption of quality products is developing. A large part of the society is ready to pay more for consuming an ecologically clean product. The quality of the product, its impact on the environment, etc. can become important for consumers. Increasingly, even in many countries, including the EEU countries, consumer product quality certificates are gradually becoming mandatory.


Correct calculations of costs, margins are very important, because in this case the competition is between the sellers and resellers all over the world. Cargo transportation costs (logistics) and taxes make up a specific share in the cost accounting. Especially their proper accounting and tax optimization can have a significant impact on gaining a competitive advantage. In the world market, the 3% -5% cost difference can play a significant role in bulk sales.


Marketing policies, discounts and market research also have a significant impact on the proper organization of retail sales.


With an in-depth understanding of the most pressing and priority issues of these companies,Crowe & Asatryans LLC specialists offer complete packages of leading audit, tax and consulting services, designed to mitigate risks and increase competitiveness.

  • Customer and digital conversion
  • Data analysis and security
  • Supply chain management
  • Growth and new business models

Members of Crowe & Asatryans LLC Consumer & Retail global network are dedicated to serving companies in the food and drink, consumer goods, luxury and retail sectors. This international network of industry-focused professionals means that our clients throughout the world have access to global industry insights, leading practices and the latest innovative solutions, regardless of company size or location.

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Dom Moskvy Business-Center
Argishti str. 7,,
1st floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
+374 60 53 23 23
+374 99 54 33 88

Albert Asatryan

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  • Address:
    Dom Moskvy
    Business Center, 7, Argishti str.,
    2nd floor 0015 Yerevan, Armenia
    +374 60 53 23 23
    +374 99 54 33 88