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Home News Dry Port at Shirak Province

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Dry Port at Shirak Province

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dry port

On September 12, a meeting was held to discuss establishing a dry port in Shirak Province. Dirk Niekerk from MTBS and Arpine Vardanyan from “Crow and Asatryans” LLC were present. They talked about developing the Dry port and a Special Economic Zone, with a focus on locating it near the airport.

The project will move forward according to the outlined plans. The government is actively working on initiatives to boost Shirak’s economy, especially in Gyumri.

A working group is now dedicated by Shirak Province governor M. Muradyan to shaping Gyumri’s development strategy, showing a strong commitment to the city’s progress. The governor’s office is ready to support the project within their authority.

All the representatives appreciated the government’s proactive approach.

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