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Home News Albert Asatryan the founder of Crowe & Asatryans LLC at 2023 Crowe Global Conference in Washington, DC

Albert Asatryan the founder of Crowe & Asatryans LLC at 2023 Crowe Global Conference in Washington, DC

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global conference

Announcing the upcoming Crowe Global 2023 annual conference, scheduled for October 22-24 in Washington. Albert Asatyan, founder of Crowe and Asatryans LLC, is set to join this prominent gathering.


The conference will commence with a heartfelt welcome address from Kamel Abouchacra (CEO of Crowe Global), Jim Powers (Chairman of the Board of Directors), David Chitty (Interim EMEA Regional Executive Director), Kamel Gardner, among others, who will also be sharing their insights.


This event promises to be a pivotal moment in the global business calendar, showcasing the strength of Crowe’s worldwide network.

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